One day I was told you should write a book but never seem too get that far. These are my shorts

Saturday 14 July 2007

The Book

The Book

She very carefully removed the fragile book from inside its glass case, wearing gloves so as not to mark the pages as books now where a rarity now only seen by visitors to the museum and only then under glass in controlled conditions

The book itself wasn’t so special there where other paperbacks in the museum other books written by other authors but this book was special

The author was famous most books by the literary greats had disintegrated over the years very few copies survived, others that had survived didn’t have the special touch that this author had.

She had changed the world through her writing not just one book but many, stories thoughts, poems and questions posed, she changed the world and how people saw the plight of not just her own people but many all over the globe.

She bought the community together in gatherings reading, thinking and discussing her ideas her thoughts.
Even though that was many years ago before the sun started to go out making the bright days of sunshine and warmth a thing of the past her books still survived, survived because of her special contact, survived because of who she was, survived because she touched them.
The museum worker carefully turned the page to the next one so the visitors could read it, delicately placing the book back under the cover she wiped the glass and very lightly wiped the brass plate in front of the case

it read
”Dana Dane – She found her voice and spoke to us all”


Dana Dane said...

aw you're going to make me cry

Missy A said...

hehehe I gotta stop doing this people are going to talk LoL