One day I was told you should write a book but never seem too get that far. These are my shorts

Friday, 20 June 2008

get on with it!

I'm telling you don't do it, no kidding don't ..oh you did didn't you , couldn't help it could you , you just had to go ahead and do it
Look at the mess you've made now , its all over the place and you are sat in it as well, why do they allways sit in it?

I'm not cleaning this mess up you realise, no not doing it you are going to have to clean this one up all by yourself , last time you did this it took 2 weeks of scrubbing to get this place cleaned up.

Now you have gone and done it again , I'm not happy you know
I want this place cleaned up by tommorrow at the latest , you hear me
What was that ? Did I hear sorry? Don't think I did you know , you do know how to say the word don't you its not that difficult.

Look I've had enough of you, this had better be cleaned up next time I look or you won't play in here agian
What you don't realise, this isn't just your area you have messed up , its not mine either it belongs to everyone and I want to see you down on your hands and knees scrubbing this place clean , not for me for everyone else
You haven't just let me down but everyone else as well , we aren't happy not one bit

Now get on with it!

I'm posting this here as well so it will cross post too blogger/multiply


Anonymous said...

Hi Missy!

I'm a spanish boy from Barcelona (sorry for my english) I saw your blog looking for some beautyful eyes on google. Amazing writer, I can see.
I'm working like graphic designer in here and I'm doing some pictures for a gallery.

I hope don't you mind if I use a picture of what i think are your eyes to make a painting, I promise not to sell it!

Well, other people never asks for this kind of permissions but I am like this...

I have a lonely fotolog if you want to see some things I did.
I will understand if you don't like this confidence, so there is no problem if you dont want to be on that paint, that's what im asking for.

Thank you for your time and take a great kiss from spain!

Missy A said...

have no idea what eyes you are talking about
.. this is the internet if its up and you can find it you can use it

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Missy A said...

My Photobucket albums are now all private !