One day I was told you should write a book but never seem too get that far. These are my shorts

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Cast Away

A wave landed on the shore
A million displaced people
ragged and torn
crawling up the beach
the ship, the craft that carried them slowly trying to sink on the horizon
They sat as they were reborn welcoming those who came later
their open arms hugging and wrapping around more and more waves of the displaced
and still they watched their craft try to sink, never quite going under yet not righting itself either
As time passed they forgot about their ship it became fuzzy in their minds a forgotten relic of the past, hardly any new displaced came now they were not reminded of the past any more.

Yet one day suddenly another wave broke on the shore, a great crash of chattering people
They spoke of a far away land
How they had been thrown out by force, loaded up and corralled
The ships carrying them like cargo
Dumping them off shore then turning around for more
Crying and chattering the waves of people kept coming in more and more and more
This time was different though word had gotten through filtered on the wind that they were coming
This time a million were waiting with open arms with stories of how they too lost their homes
Waiting ready to teach the new survivors how to adapt to this new land
Some just sat and cried, they had arms to comfort them
Others wailed and made so much noise they had to be locked away with bottles of rum
Most just sat bewildered for a while not able to get through thier tortured minds that they were welcome in this new land

A million or more new survivors cast up on the shore
They settled, they made new homes and they Multiplied though just like the ones that came before

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