One day I was told you should write a book but never seem too get that far. These are my shorts

Sunday 7 January 2007

De tour ahead

“Beep, Beep” the road runner pronounces as he speeds past the pack of cyclists, their poor legs pumping away at such a rate as to be just a blur, onwards and forwards they push themselves the detour sign pointed left, and it was slightly strange that they had now entered a totally 2 dimensional landscape of only brightly coloured buttes and mesas with only the occasional Acme company advertising sign in the last few miles, the leader was looking ahead the rest of the pack followed his lead, head to the butt of the rider in front they hadn’t noticed that the reality of the race had changed somewhat even though the crowd cheers had turned into a distorted crackly sounding laugh track ,they didn’t look up.
Pity really they should have because the trap was laid, the anvil the 200 pound Acme company anvil balanced precariously on a ledge above
The beep, beep had been the coyotes cue; he had lit the fuse to blow up the rocket, it was too late a whoosh and wizzzing sound and the Beep, Beep of the roadrunner
was the last thing they heard
That will teach them to follow blindly like sheep you never know where you may end up

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