One day I was told you should write a book but never seem too get that far. These are my shorts

Sunday 7 January 2007

Without a map

Without a map

The moonlight, the softness of the night, the absolute stillness broken only by the sound of the car engine. The headlights only a illuminating a small speck in the darkness of the night, where she was she had no idea .The tress lining the sides of the straight road looked almost as if someone some where had laundered them and used too much bleach they seemed to twist and turn into grotesque shapes as she drove slowly past but her mind was elsewhere thinking yearning for a reason to do the thing she was doing. Now lost in the darkness with no other place to go all she could do was drive, the car running low on fuel and no real idea where she was. The landscape bathed by the moonlight leached grey like her heart the whys the wherefores of she had no idea she hadn’t really contemplated that. Her thoughts changed to all the heartbreak she had caused, people had said that she had to conscience no soul, no real heart dwelt beneath her pounding chest only a cold steel chunk, was the night out to get her, to finally seek it’s vengeance on her troubled soul.
Slowly gently the night closed in on her, her eyes blinked and very gently she slipped of to the forever sleep the total black sleep of forever, forever lost, forever searching, forever away from the outskirts and the borders of reality

That’s the first thing that came into my warped mind when Rods writing challenge came up, but I don’t really like it it’s too dark, so hopefully this is a better ending

“oh” she yelped as the car came to a slow standstill up against the white marker post , “I really must be more careful driving at night”, she got out of the car and went to check, just a small scratch on the paint work no more, she had almost fallen asleep and was more or less dreaming she wasn’t really lost at all, no one needed maps around here, there was only one road leading from one side of the island to the other, sometimes in the uninhabited part in the middle it got a little gloomy but you couldn’t possibly need a map
She checked the back of the car, yes that magnificent spice rack she had just bought still filled the whole back seat, every imaginable herb, condiment and spice from all countries was included in the price, it had taken her most of the day to bargain that down to a reasonable cost but she did it, it was still a weeks profit from the restaurant but she didn’t care it was worth it. Its size alone would make it a draw card. With the window wound down she slammed through the gears crunching second slightly “I must get that seen too” she muttered and with the stereo now blaring some vigorous rock tune that suddenly got clearer as she neared the crest of a hill, she could see the towns outskirts and knew exactly what she was doing and where she was, she was home and home safe

Now this ending is just silly really, talk about sing the happy, happy dance

Just outside the borders of the town, a place that you can only find if you are lost, a place that doesn’t appear on any maps. There is a happy place, a place where the elves sing and dance and the fairy’s sing, their little wings as they fly around your head tickle your nose and make you sneeze a happy sneeze, The chairs are made of sugar and the tea cups are buttercups, everyone is so happy and dance around the pretty red capped mushrooms all day long

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